금속 주석 선물 상자 대량 도매
Mail Shape tin box with flag is one of hot typical European styles. This kind of tin packaging boxes is famouse on local market, you can see them on shops .
Most of this kind of styles are used to pack Tea,candy,almond,chocolate,tea,coffee,biscuit,trinket,watch,necklet,gift various packing etc,or only for decoration.
But you can change different designs on it and choose the best one with different printing to make the whole tin packaging boxes is unique .
We can find our unique ideal from daily life or natural seesight even our drawing. They also can combine with other materials to be a series of unique merchandise to attract our consuers’ attention.
Change the sizes or do some changes on the tin mail box or add some assoceries are worable. Our goal is to make unique merchandise to enlarge the business value .