
競争の激しい市場で自社製品を差別化したいと考えているお茶メーカーにとって、ブリキ箱のパッケージは洗練されたソリューションを提供します。ブリキの容器は比類のない鮮度保持を実現し、お茶の繊細な香りと風味を湿気や光から守ります。評判の良い缶包装メーカーと提携することで、パッケージ デザインをブランド アイデンティティに合わせてカスタマイズすることができます。これにより、見た目の美しさが向上するだけでなく、品質へのこだわりも強調されます。適切なブリキ箱を選択するには、サイズ、形状、機能を考慮し、製品の市場での存在感を高めながら消費者のニーズを確実に満たすようにする必要があります。缶パッケージへの投資は、製品の価値を高め、目の肥えたお茶愛好家を魅了するための戦略的な選択です。


General Applications of Metal Tins Packaging

Metal tin can packaging is widely used across various food categories, including popcorn, chocolates, biscuits, candies, tea, spices, and more. It is also commonly utilized in everyday categories such as cosmetics, toys, candles, tobacco, gifts, skincare, and similar products.

Our tins come in a variety of sizes and styles, including round, rectangular, and irregular shapes. We offer multiple appearance options: windowed or non-windowed, concave or non-convex, stackable or non-stackable, as well as four-color or spot-color designs.

Additionally, different functional options are available, such as welded or non-welded, and child-resistant or non-child-resistant. These features strongly enhance our clients’ ability to meet their packaging demands.


中国の高品質ブリキ箱メーカーとして、当社の細心の注意を払ったプロセスにより、高品質の梱包ソリューションが保証されます。私たちは概念設計から始めて、最先端の施設での精密ツーリングに移ります。高品質のブリキ素材を使用し、切断、印刷、スタンピング、検査、梱包、出荷を高度な技術で実行し、潜在的な顧客のさまざまな梱包需要に対応します。当社の OEM および ODM サービスは、チョコレート、クッキー、お茶、スパイスなどのさまざまなニーズに応えます。組み立てから品質管理までの各段階で、耐久性と美的魅力が保証されます。目立つカスタム缶パッケージの専門知識を当社にお任せください。

Efficient Tinplate Packaging Box Prodcution Schedule

At Golden Tin, we understand the essence of time in the competitive market. Our streamlined production process guarantees not just timely delivery but also the adaptability to meet your specific demands, ensuring your shelves are stocked with best baking pans and cookie sheets when you need them.

We promise a production schedule that works with your business cycle with our advanced manufacturing methods and strong supply chains, offering flexibility and reliability. This gives you peace of mind when planning your product launches and sales, since you know your orders will arrive on time.

Enjoy the ease of working with a partner that respects your time and business and gives you all-in-one ways to impress your customers with top rated tinware season after season.


Step 1: Material Preparation (3-7 days)

This involves sourcing high-quality raw materials such as tinplate and aluminum sheets, as well as coatings or finishes such as non-stick coatings. The duration depends on the raw material specification and other relative printing process requirements.


Step 2 : Tinplate Printing ( 7-15 days )

Once the materials are prepared, the next step is printing process according to different clients’ designs requests to reach the best printing effects to meet clients requestment.


Step 3: Cutting Tinplate ( 1-5 days)

Once the printed materials are prepared, the next step is cutting tinplate according to the shapes our clients ordering.


Step 4: Forming and Bending Tinplate (5-10 days)



Step 5: Assembling | Packaging ( 3-10 days)

After the metal baking pans are formed, they will undergo several surface treatment processes, including degreasing, pickling, and phosphating. These processes help to remove any impurities and prepare the surface of the metal for painting.

7 出荷用ブリキ箱

Step 6: Ready for shipping

All of our tins after inspection and packed then to our warehouse wait for loading to different buyers over the world.

Case Studies of Tins Projects

Our case studies of tin packaging projects provide an in-depth look into the innovative solutions and success storieswith various clients to resulting in improved customer satisfaction.
we demonstrate the versatility and durability of our tin packaging solutions and meet the diverse needs of industries such as food and beverage, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, wine,toy etc.
By exploring these real-world examples, potential clients can gain a better understanding of the tangible benefits of tin packaging, including its environmental sustainability, premium appearance, and protective properties.



We are always hardly to choose which kinds of products ,we could use cusomized tin for our products.
There are main typical products our tins could daily usage to meet our clients packaging demands.
1-.Food packaging demands: チョコレートコーヒーSpice tea, cookies,nuts etc.
2- Toy packaging: toys collection, Display packaging,Storage tins,Holiday gift packaging
3- Costmetic Packging:Lip balm, hair Wax,shaving cream,Shoe Polish,Skincare Set,eyeshadow etc
4-Packaging of different medicines and Canabis Child lock packaging
5-Stationery packaging wit diffrent packaging demands.

さまざまな形状、サイズ、蓋のスタイルなど、幅広いカスタマイズ オプションを提供しています。お客様はマット、光沢、エンボス加工などの仕上げからお選びいただけます。また、お客様のブランド アイデンティティに合わせた複雑なブリキのデザインにも対応できます。






