Golden Tin Co.,Limited: Your trusty Professional Tin Box Packaging Supplier & Manufacturer
Golden Tin is a professional premium tin box packaging supplier and manufacturer. We specialize in providing high-quality custom tin packaging solutions designed to meet diverse packaging needs across various industries. As an experienced tin box supplier, we offer a wide range of durable metal cans and tin boxes, perfect for products like food, gifts, and more. Whether you’re looking for custom tin packaging or bulk orders of tin cans, we’re here to support your brand with reliable, creative, and cost-effective packaging solutions.
With Golden Tin, you can trust us to deliver the perfect tin box packaging for your business needs. If you can dream it, we can make it!
Self-Design Tin Packaging Service: ODM & OEM Solution
One-Stop tin packaging Boxes Service: Self-Design service, offering both ODM and OEM Packaging Service to creat Cusomized Unique Shapes and style to meet your unique Packaging demands. Whether you need a bespoke tin box for premium packaging. Our services everything from concep design to final production, providing a seamless process for all your packaging needs. One-stop customized tin packaging services to meet all your packaging needs that promote your brand identity and meet your exact standards.
Experience with Famous Global Brands
To be your trusty metal tin packaging supplier and help different brand companies to customize different metal cans.
Our tins not only for food packaging :
Tea packaging:Lipton,Chocolate packaging: Hershey,Coffee packaging:Starbucks,
Cosmetic packaging:Jo-Malon,Nivea etc.
Homeware gift toy packaging: Laura Ashely and Disney ect.
No matter gift packaging or daily packaging,to help our clients with excellent service to help our clients to get nice quality tins for their packaging demands.
Steady Quality and Delievery time
As One professional tin box manufacturer,We have strictly quality standard management.
To ensure all of our tins to our clients in nice tins. Using premium tinplate material and high-grade printed tinplate for different tin packaging Box applications. Our process includes precise tinplate cutting, meticulous punching molding testing, and rigorous QC tins inspection, guaranteeing top-Quyality tin box for storage. As tin box supplier, we have completed Quality standard to meet different clients requestment.
Find Reliable Trusted Tin Packaging Box Manufacturer in China
At Golden Tin Co., Limited, we are a professional tin box manufacturer in China, specializing in custom tin packaging boxes for a wide range of industries. As a trusted tin packaging box manufacturer, we provide reliable and steady quality products that meet the needs of businesses worldwide. With our fully experience in OEM and ODM tin box services, we deliver custom tin packaging for your products. Whether you’re in the chocolate, cookie, tea, spice, or other industries, we ensure timely delivery, competitive pricing, and the perfect packaging for your brand.
Our team works closely with you to offer a one-stop packaging solution, ensuring that every tin box meets your exact specifications. If you can imagine it, we can bring it to life!
Quienes somos
Trusted Tin Box Manufacturer in China High-Quality Custom Tin Packaging Solutions
As a trusted tin box manufacturer in China, we specialize in providing high-quality packaging solutions to your specific needs. Our production process starts with conceptual design and moves to precise tooling in our state-of-the-art facilities. Using premium tinplate material and advanced technology, we offer a range of services including cutting, printing, stamping, inspection, packaging, and shipping, ensuring every tin box meets your packaging requirements.
Our OEM and ODM services meet to a wide range of industries such as chocolates, cookies, tea, and spices. From assembly to thorough quality control, we guarantee durable and visually appealing tin packaging that reflects your brand’s quality. Trust our profession to deliver custom tin packaging that makes your products stand out on the shelf.
1. Preparación de hojalata
Tinplate is a thin steel sheet coated with tin to prevent rust and corrosion. This material is chosen high-quality packaging for its strength and ability to protect contents. This essential step lays the foundation for crafting custom tin packaging that meets industry standards.
2. Impresión de hojalata
La impresión de hojalata es uno de los procesos más importantes y utiliza tecnología avanzada para lograr diseños vibrantes y precisos. Nos aseguramos de que cada embalaje de hojalata personalizado cumpla con los más altos estándares de calidad y durabilidad. Este paso mejora el atractivo visual, haciendo que sus productos se destaquen.
3. Cortar hojalata
Antes de estampar en la máquina, debemos cortar la hoja de hojalata en trozos pequeños de diferentes tamaños con una operación de corte estricto. La hojalata se corta en formas y tamaños específicos según el diseño de la caja de hojalata. El corte de precisión garantiza que todas las piezas encajen perfectamente.
4. Formar hojalata en la máquina
Luego, a las piezas de hojalata cortadas se les dan las formas necesarias para la caja de hojalata, como la base, la tapa y los lados. Esto se realiza mediante moldes y prensas para lograr las dimensiones y diseño deseado.
5. Latas sobre paleta
Todas las cajas de hojalata deben estar sobre paletas. Nuestras cajas de hojalata están dispuestas de forma segura sobre paletas para garantizar la seguridad y evitar. Este método previene daños y mantiene la integridad de cada lata durante el envío.
6. Montaje | Embalaje
Antes de empaquetar y enviar las latas, pasan por un riguroso proceso de control de calidad para garantizar que cumplan con los estándares requeridos. Esto incluye comprobar si hay defectos, probar la funcionalidad de los juegos de utensilios para hornear e inspeccionar el acabado de la superficie.
7. Listo para el envío
Finalmente, las cajas de hojalata se someten a retoques finales, como pulido y controles de calidad, para garantizar que cumplan con los estándares requeridos. Se suavizan los bordes afilados y las cajas se limpian para lograr una apariencia impecable.
8. Envío para clientes
Las latas se empaquetan por expertos en contenedores para su envío, lo que garantiza la máxima protección y el uso eficiente del espacio. Este método garantiza que las latas lleguen a su destino en perfectas condiciones, listas para su uso inmediato.